Orgasm with Galaxy Girl episode 3

By | 1 November 2019

Orgasm with Galaxy Girl episode 3

Orgasm was so close for Tommy, he yelled with pleasure as he felt the chemical from Gigi’s
lipstick go straight to his brain and his cock came in three large
spurts, filling Gigi’s mouth with salty, white sperm. Swallowing
quickly, she continued to use both her tongue and her lips to caress
the hard shaft, letting her tongue concentrate on the sensitive tube on
the underside of the shaft. Without ever becoming soft, Tommy went
through three climaxes, each of which, because of the pleasure from the
chemical, contained enough cum to fill her mouth.

“Enough,” he said as he slumped back against the door of the stall,
his cock still rock hard and still ready for more action. “My cock
wants more, but the rest of my body can’t take it,” he complained as he
zipped his fly and staggered into the main Ladies Room, drawing
complaints from the other women who had been listening to the groans of
pleasure from both occupants of the stall.

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As Gigi walked out of the Ladies Room, Diane was on stage,
strutting her stuff. She had what looked to be about 50 bills stuck in
her garters, and as Gigi watched, one man slipped a bill between her
shaved pussy lips, the stickyness of Diane’s pussy keeping the bill
from dropping. Pushing her way through the crowd, Gigi took the $20
bill that Tommy had stuck in her panties earlier and motioned Diane to
come over to the edge of the stage. As her undulating pelvis
alternately revealed and concealed her pussy, Diane squatted in front
of Gigi, licking her lips as she did. Gigi leaned forward and pressed
her lips to Diane’s, forcing her tongue into her mouth as she forced
the money up into her cunt, her fingers spreading the orifice as she
did so. Diane gasped as the combination of the chemical and fingers
caused her to spasm into a full blown orgasm, right there on the stage.

“I want you. I’ve got to have you tonight,” she whispered when she
got her breath back. “Come home with me and make love with me
tonight,” she pleaded.

Gigi stepped back and said, “Hurry up and finish your shift so I
can lick you until you faint from pleasure with a new orgasm!”

As soon as Diane got off the stage, she told the manager that she
was leaving, even though she had more shifts scheduled. She was so hot
that she couldn’t think of anything but making love to Gigi. Driving
swiftly and expertly, Gigi guided the Corvette to Diane’s apartment,
feeling Diane’s hand rubbing her white thighs as she drove. Just as
she was about to grab Diane’s hand and force it into her pussy, they
arrived at their destination. Walking hand-in-hand, the two women
walked to the stairs where Diane quickly unscrewed the light bulb,
leaving them is near darkness. As Gigi started up the stairs in front,
she felt hands pulling at her panties, ripping them from her body with

“Bend over,” she heard as Diane started expertly licking her ass,
using her teeth to gently chew on the firm, muscled flesh. Leaning
over, she felt Diane’s tongue flatten into a broad paint brush that
swept from her anus to her clit, drawing her sensitive lips with her
mouth. She felt her clit being sucked into Diane’s lips and she felt
the tip of her tongue lash it back and forth as it grew even longer and
harder. Just as she was approaching climax for the seemingly
thousandth time that day, Diane shoved one finger up her cunt, coming
in contact with her hymen.

“Dam’n, you’re still a virgin!” she exclaimed as Gigi reached back
to shove her face back into her sopping cunt, exploding into a massive
orgasm just as the door the downstairs apartment opened, flooding them
with light as two gay men stepped into the vestibule and watched the
scene of one woman kneeling between the legs of another as her cunt
spasmed into one wave of pleasure after another.

“That’s disgusting”, one of them said. “At least we go behind the
bushes when we suck.”

Giggling, the two women ran up the stairs and into Diane’s
apartment where they collapsed on the couch in gales of laughter. “Did
you see his face? I thought he was going to throw up when he saw us.”

Gigi stopped laughing and pulled Diane to her feet. “Show me the
bedroom,” she said as she let her hands rub up and down Diane’s back,
squeezing her firm ass cheeks with each hand as she pulled her closer.
Without letting go, Gigi forced Diane to walk backward as they made
their way to the bedroom. As Diane started to reach for her buttons,
Gigi slapped her hand away.

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“I’m going to undress you slowly. I’m going to kiss and lick every
part of your body as your clothing reveals more and more to me. You
keep your hands to yourself and keep your eyes closed,” Gigi ordered
the compliant girl.

Obediently, Diane shut her eyes tightly and waited for Gigi to
start. She heard Gigi moving around her, and occasionally she would
feel the soft caress of her fingers as she inspected the supple, young
body before her. Wetness and warmth filled her ear as Gigi’s tongue
slipped into first one, then the other orifice. Her lips were lightly
licked by the tip of Gigi’s tongue as fingers worked the buttons of her
blouse open, sliding the garment down her shoulders to hang in the
waistband of her skirt. Since she wasn’t wearing a bra, the warm night
air blowing across her body made her nipples stiffen. She felt Gigi’s
lips moving over her shoulders and down her naked back, the tip of her
tongue tracing patterns over her flesh and causing her pussy to start
to quiver with a mini-orgasm. Without warning, Diane felt Gigi’s lips
suctioning on her breasts, probably making little hickies as all of her
tits except for the nipples was either sucked, licked, or nibbled with
gentle bites. Her body swaying to try to get her nipples the attention
she craved, Diane raised her hands to try to capture Gigi’s face.

Firmly her hands were returned to her side as Gigi said, “Try that
one more time and I’m going to have to turn you over my knee and spank
you.” Diane quivered. How did she know that Diane loved to be
spanked, loved to be tied into impossible positions and beaten with a
hair brush? Her ass tingled with the anticipation of the beating she
had been promised as she felt Gigi’s mouth finally engulf one nipple,
sucking as much of her tit as she could while washing the hard bud with
her wet tongue. She felt the pressure as Gigi, still maintaining full
suction, started drawing her mouth off her breast, the action causing
her tit flesh to compress and her tit to lengthen. Finally, when only
her nipple was still captured, Diane groaned, “Bite it! Grab it with
your teeth and pull on it while you bite!”

Pain radiated straight from her tortured nipple to her clit,
changing into a ball of white-hot pleasure as she came, the pain from
her nipples feeding the pleasure of her clit and vice-versa.

When she recovered from her pleasure, Diane found herself sitting
naked on the bed with a blindfold covering her eyes. Strong hands
forced her onto her back, and she felt silk scarves binding her wrists
to the headboard. Her legs were lifted toward her hands and her ankles
were tied to her wrists, leaving her body bent into a “U” shape with
her pussy fully exposed. Suddenly she felt something probing at her
anus! Gigi had obviously found her collection of dildos and was using
one to give her an ass fucking. Quickly she reviewed the possibile
implements: the large, black vibrator; the softer, pink dildo with the
raised ridges; the double headed cock; the French tickler with its
revolving head; and the Monster–the “John Holmes Model” which she had
found in San Francisco on her last visit. As she felt the shaft ease
into her channel, she was releaved that it was the double headed one.
She often used it to fuck both her cunt and ass hole at the same time,
so she knew that she would be able to easily take it now. Gratefully
she felt the other end being forced up her cunt as the pleasures of the
double fucking continued. Just as she was about to cum, all motion
stopped and she lay there right on the edge.

Over the next half hour, she was taken from the peaks of pleasure
to the valleys as Gigi alternated shoving the cock up her cunt and ass
with absolutely no movement. Finally, Gigi pulled the cock from her
cunt and Diane felt the tingling of her soft breath on her clit. Gigi
enclosed Diane’s clit in her lips and Diane went soaring to the
greatest orgasm she had ever experienced. The chemical in her lipstick
kept Diane in a constant state of orgasm for over ten minutes as she
came and came and came again and again until, completely exhausted, she

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