Category Archives: Group sex stories

Group sex stories

Group sex stories from gang bang to bukake only groups will enter this section. Ever attended a group sex session or allways fantisized about a gangbang, perhaps this category can help you make the right choice.

Couples fucking party during Christmas hollidays

Couples swinger party during Christmas hollidays My wife and I recently had an opportunity to become involved with a group of married couples who love sex. We met our now loving group at a party which started out innocently enough over the Christmas holidays. My wife got an invitation to attend a party of her friends at the… Read More »

Screwed at the party and filled with cum

Screwed at the party and stuffed with cum Screwed that evening, It was not going well and Cheryl knew it. Only eighteen, she had almost passed out when a college junion had asked her here. Telling her mother and father that she was going to a girlfriends house for the night, she met her date, Billy, at a… Read More »

My cock gave me the best orgasm ever

My cock gave me the best orgasm that day It had been a beautiful day from the outset and I swung by the apartment of some friends, wanting to say hello since I was in the area. When I got there, Kay answered the door, dressed in a small bikini and a big grin. She greeted me by… Read More »