Category Archives: Gay sex stories

Gay sex stories

Gay sex stories are all about homosexual man who have sex with each other our have there first gay experience. Feel one with the story and fantasize about it how you could be the main character in the gay story of your liking. This way you will love these stories of gay man even more!

Virgin butt got fucked for the first time

Virgin butt of Zak It was weird, me, an aspiring author, working as a farm hand down in the middle of Tennessee. I wanted some experiences. And experiences is what I got, though not the ones I was expecting. The farmer was a mean old bible spouting type. I know the only reason he hired me was because… Read More »

Fucked in my ass

Fucked in my ass every November by my Uncle Deer season in November has long been a tradition time among the men in our family for long before I was born. It is an Arkansas ritual of total maleness where women are not allowed, a time when the men go together deep into the woods to camp and… Read More »

My first anal experience

My first anal experience with my older Bisexual Neighbour My First anal experience was with Steve and I had been playing around for about a month now. I was the kid who did some yard work for him. He was in his 30s, I had just turned 18 and was young, naive, and horny. My first time was… Read More »