My first anal experience

My first anal experience with my older Bisexual Neighbour My First anal experience was with Steve and I had been playing around for about a month now. I was the kid who did some yard work for him. He was in his 30s, I had just turned 18 and was young, naive, and horny. My first time was… Read More »

Threesome with my married buddy and GF

Threesome with my married budy and my girlfriend Threesome was allways a fantasy of me, and while we were in her Van, parked at the top of the cliffs at Black’s Beach  the first time I brought the subject up. I had always wanted to watch my wife fuck another guy while I was watching, but she didn’t… Read More »

White dress made me fuck you hard

White dress was screaming to me fuck me hard! There’s nothing like a bus ride home to put you in a bad mood. Here I was, walking the long road to our house from the bus stop in town, musing on how much it was going to cost me to get the car out of the shop, what… Read More »

My sister fucked me

My sister fucked me while our parents went on holliday My sister was at home on Saturday morning, and I was just getting home from spending the night at a friends. My parents were out of town for a short holiday, and I was supposed to stay at Tim’s the whole weekend, but I decided against it. Tim’s… Read More »

Roadtrip sex adventure

Roadtrip sex adventure with a brand new SUV Atlanta has always been a fun town for me, but this roadtrip had been even better because it was a sex adventure which I never expected. I had ordered a custom SUV from an Atlanta customizer. Having a big-wheel four wheel drive vehicle had been a dream for a long… Read More »

My cock gave me the best orgasm ever

My cock gave me the best orgasm that day It had been a beautiful day from the outset and I swung by the apartment of some friends, wanting to say hello since I was in the area. When I got there, Kay answered the door, dressed in a small bikini and a big grin. She greeted me by… Read More »

Bisexual wife gets me threesome

Bisexual wife and her high school friend I knew my wife was bisexual before I married her. She and her best friend had been to bed several times in high school, and even shared a boyfriend a few times. I hadn’t had the pleasure of both of them before we were married, although I did come home one… Read More »